Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike impacted me not too much, but it did impact me. As time went on through the week without school, I realized how important the Internet, the television, and the air condition was to me. I didn't expect Ike to do a lot of damage, since it was only a Category 2 Storm. But I was wrong, it left Galveston an abandoned island, and caused 2.1 million people to lose power. As far as damages to the house go, we lost our fence, and a tree fell on our power line, and is now hanging on the line. So all of the neighborhood has power except us(So that kind of left a little frustration in my family). However, the free hasn't fallen yet, so if it does fall, those people with power, will lose it. My family became frustrated as days without power went on, so on the 3rd day, my mother bought a generator. The generator is nice, but it lacks cable, internet, and the air condition, which is all I really care about. We are, however, able to refridgerate our food now.

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