Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Band Project

Long time since my last blog post, but I'm back. Recently my class was put into groups for a band project. The band I'm in is known as Blue Fusion, a jazz band. The pictures that we took were not the greatest, especially mine. I had to do all these weird poses and it was a little awkward, so that didn't help. But it was a success and so now we are working on our biography with our CDs, Albums, Tours etc.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Key Functions of Marketing

In class we are learning about the seven key functions of marketing. We've only gone over four of them, selling( The selling of the product), distribution( The way you distribute your product to certain locations), planning( The plan you have to sell your product), and marketing information management( The way you use your customers to improve your business). Its not the funnest thing in the world, but our teachers try to make it seem a little fun by giving us activites to do and compare it to the actual function. Some of them have them been aggravating, but some of them have been somewhat fun, have been making the time go by faster.