Friday, December 12, 2008

Prohibited Sponsorship

Sponsorship that is prohibted, is Prohibited Sponsorship. We have prohibited sponsorship to help prevent deaths and injures, keep as much as possible, for example with Tobacco products. Tobacco is limited to one event, and one brand per year, and is prohibited for concerts, for events in which participants are under 18, and for football, baseball, soccer, and hockey. I believe that prohibited sponsorship is necessary, because it helps teens not be aware of the availability of tobacco.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Band Project 2

The band project was a fun experience, and it was quite annoying at some points, having to find seats and venues. It showed me that starting a band isn't as simple as just going to a theater and playing. You have to plan things out, and you have to take the prices, and the seats, you have to make backstage passes, you have to make shirts and merchandise for fans. You have to do so much, you need transportation, you need lodging, you need to use the money you have wisely. The aspects of being in a band is not full of greatness, but it does have it's benefits. In the end, you have a lot of fun with your band members, and you make a lot of money, after losing a lot of money, hey, it takes money to make money. All the 7 key functions were present during this project, especially distribution and pricing. The reality of making a band, is a difficult one. So if your wanting to join the band life, then be prepared to live life on the road, cause there is consistent movement all over the country. And you need to make new material once in a while, and you don't have a lot of time. If you want to start the band life, I have 2 words for you, Good Luck.

If you want to see how my band went, here is a link to the wiki -

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Band Project

Long time since my last blog post, but I'm back. Recently my class was put into groups for a band project. The band I'm in is known as Blue Fusion, a jazz band. The pictures that we took were not the greatest, especially mine. I had to do all these weird poses and it was a little awkward, so that didn't help. But it was a success and so now we are working on our biography with our CDs, Albums, Tours etc.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Key Functions of Marketing

In class we are learning about the seven key functions of marketing. We've only gone over four of them, selling( The selling of the product), distribution( The way you distribute your product to certain locations), planning( The plan you have to sell your product), and marketing information management( The way you use your customers to improve your business). Its not the funnest thing in the world, but our teachers try to make it seem a little fun by giving us activites to do and compare it to the actual function. Some of them have them been aggravating, but some of them have been somewhat fun, have been making the time go by faster.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike impacted me not too much, but it did impact me. As time went on through the week without school, I realized how important the Internet, the television, and the air condition was to me. I didn't expect Ike to do a lot of damage, since it was only a Category 2 Storm. But I was wrong, it left Galveston an abandoned island, and caused 2.1 million people to lose power. As far as damages to the house go, we lost our fence, and a tree fell on our power line, and is now hanging on the line. So all of the neighborhood has power except us(So that kind of left a little frustration in my family). However, the free hasn't fallen yet, so if it does fall, those people with power, will lose it. My family became frustrated as days without power went on, so on the 3rd day, my mother bought a generator. The generator is nice, but it lacks cable, internet, and the air condition, which is all I really care about. We are, however, able to refridgerate our food now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interview Questions

Recently I have been asked severl questions so I guess I will answer them. My favorite food is pizza, I would lsiten to any music, but country. Some of my favorite TV shows are South Park, George Lopez, Family Matters, and Full Metal Alchemist. I don't really like school, but if I had to pick it would be Math, since I'm good at it. I want to excel in meteorology, so I guess this would help me a little. My strengths are Math and Science, but I'm weak in English and History. I usually procrastinate when studying, and just read off my review. I took this class cause I want to know how to manage a business. I think we should divide work into teams by having a math person, a writer, and someone that can keep track of everything. I would make a great tember cause I care about my grade and I'm good at math.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Group Marketing Assignment

Our group came up with Under Armour. We all separated the work by who finds what, who paste what, and who cuts what. The project went quite well, although we haven't done our presentation yet. Our group used the 4 P's for this assignment. The assignment was mainly for us to use the 4 P's.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wahoo's and their Market.

Wahoo's is a restaurant that is now a lot bigger than it was before. It has stores in Hawaii, Texas, Colorado, and California. Wahoo's used the market mix to become a successful business. Their product was fish taco's, and the prices of them were reasonable.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Question of the Day 2

Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Question of the Day

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

About Myself

I chose a black honda accord, because it's the car i drive. I would like to head to Chicago.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How do you feel?

I feel pretty good. I made my first blog on my second day of school, and am currently in 2nd period. Making a blog is easier than I thought though. I'm going to English III AP after this. And I don't have Ms.Durham anymore(thank god). My new English teacher's name is Ms.Bottlinger. I've seen seen her around the school, and walk into Ms.Durham's class but I have no idea who she is, or if she is nicer than Ms.Durham.